Tribe of Heart! What's all this life business about? If you're like me, you ask regularly WHY... Why do I work so hard? Why do get up so early for my morning ritual of spiritual practice? Why do I worry about life, kids, yoga, work, family, college, retirement, friendship, environment, government...? Why do I journal, go to therapy, seek adventure & challenge, weather ups & downs.. why do I get up every day to do it all again? What is my ultimate purpose? This past weekend I saw the film "Yesterday," a story of a man who lives in a world that never heard of "The Beatles." Can you imagine? As a musician, he felt he should bring their songs into the world because what would the world be without the inspiration of John, Paul, George, and Ringo? But like any great story, he runs into some pretty large obstacles. Ultimately, learns the fundamental lesson for life in the end from a special man: 'Tell those you love that you love them and be truthful at all times.' That's it. It's that simple; it's that challenging; it's that important. Love. Speak truth. Where or with whom have you been withholding love? Where or with whom have you not been truthful? Yoga's gifts are oneness and liberation; namaste: unity of mind, body, and heart to self with a deep knowing we are all connected; moksha: liberation, freedom of suffering. Though it can get complicated if we overthink it, in essence, it's love and truth. Today. Tomorrow. Everyday. LOVE like the house is on fire. Love yourself, your beloved, your family, friends AND the stranger. No one can live fully without love. Be truthful to yourself, to others. Radical honesty can change your life, allowing more space for love. Be honest and feel tension dissolve in your body, calm your mind, and open your heart. Ask forgiveness of those you may have wronged and watch your life unfold! Love and truth hold positive energy, a vital life-force. Make this your work each day and notice how sleep comes more easily, tension melts, and inspiration rises up. Your work becomes joy; your practices grace-filled; your relationships rich and beautiful; your purpose clear. Then the happiness which we all seek is revealed. Here's to the path of love and truth! Now let's get at it. 'Love is all you need', xo dana
"And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make."
Hello friends, Anyone measure your worth based on your accomplishments? How much productivity you can jam into one day? How many times you've gotten on your mat in a week? How many books you've read? How few carbs you've eaten? How much you've increased your salary, friends on facebook, and on & on.... Notice what all these have in common- numbers and outer accolades. I encourage you today to wrestle with the idea that you are good just the way you are. Divinely good. Born that way. No one can take it away from you and you cannot lose it. We silly humans simply forget. My first yoga class ever was taught by a precious woman named Heather Foster. I loved her from the get-go and her message is what resonated deep within my soul in a place I must have forgotten existed. She said something along the lines of what I now say over and over... "The practice of yoga teaches that you are good just as you are. You don't have to change a thing." Whoa, that was a knock me over with a feather moment and I was 32 years old. That's over 3 decades on this earth and it was a new concept. I suppose after years of chasing perfection I didn't leave space to hear any other message than, really Dana, who do you think you are? At 32, my version of spirit/God/Goddess/a higher power was definitely not super chill... much more judgy and condemning. Now I realize it was my own internal noise suppressing my inner voice of divine goodness. That first yoga class forever changed me and it had zero to do with the shapes my body made that day. It was accepting a hopeful, positive message that led to my journey of healing and transformation. Let us all remember that we are perfect masterpieces and simultaneously hot messes. We ALL are. That is the human condition. So if we can all agree to it, then perhaps, just maybe, we can stop the madness, the competition, the self-loathing, the judgment, the jealousy, the anger and fear of what we could potentially never be or measure up to. Remember, says yoga...The core of us is good. Each of us are beloved. Take time for your precious self. Stop chasing your life. Pause. Breathe. Be. And allow yourself to be carried into life's mystery. You are beloved! xo dana
"You are beloved, just as you are!" |
“The EmbodyGR community embraces and supports, says ‘yes you can’ when the noisy inner voice says, ‘no you can’t’ – Kari Wilson, Community Member Archives
September 2021