![]() Did you or someone you love ever suffer from a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)? The statistics are quite startling, especially among youth and sports. This week, on March 28, EmbodyGR is unifying to raise funds & awareness for Love Your Brain, a national nonprofit dedicated to helping those who suffer from TBI as well as their care givers. The mission of LoveYourBrain is to improve the quality of life of people affected by traumatic brain injury (TBI) and raise awareness about the importance of brain health. Your donation will enable LYB to offer free yoga and meditation to the TBI community across the US and Canada. Their programs are designed to build community, foster resilience, and help people understand the importance of loving your brain. Come join me, along with guest teacher, Mimi Ray, to make a positive impact in the lives of those who suffer from traumatic brain injury. Suggested donation is $10. Please be sure to come regardless of ability to pay because at Embody, all are always welcome! ![]() Wednesday, March 28, 2018 What: EmbodyGR- Donation Class for Love Your Brain w/ Dana & Mimi Ray! When: March 28, 6:30-8:00pm Where: Fountain Street Church Social Hall Who: YOU & your peoples Bring: Your beautiful self. Why: To raise awareness & funds for TBI. ![]() Wednesday, April 4, 2018 What: EmbodyGR Welcomes Guest Teacher Peri Jill Phillips When: April 4, 6:30-8:00pm Where: Fountain Street Church Social Hall Who: All the people. Bring: Y-O-U :) Why: Feel better DO good! “This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness.” ― Dalai Lama XIV, Dana Christian Lee EmbodyGR Founder & Executive Director
![]() Happy Spring, Tribe! It's officially SPRING! I love that word. Say it out loud to yourself- spring, spring, spring! Did you just instantaneously smile? It's a happy word that inspires one to almost bounce up and down like an excited child. Get up... say spring 3x's while bouncing up & down. So fun, right? What do you love most about this season? It's not only longer days, more sun, flowers, trees, and the sound of birds chirping is it? Spring Equinox is a powerful time for Goddess energy where new life is birthed with almost limitless possibility. It's a season of hope; an opportunity to begin anew. What has been concealed or growing within you all winter that is ready to come forth? A project, inspired art, music, dance, or even a new habit, a way of thinking or being? Live it. Bring it forth. Go outside & breathe the air & the earth. Listen to the birds and watch the power of little spring flowers as they seek the sun. Listen to the stirring of your our soul which aligns with the awakening of new life that surrounds you. You are that powerful. Use this season to embrace all that Mother Earth inspires and lean into living more fully a life you LOVE, created on your terms, guided by your values. If you need help in this process, Embody is here to help! It's in our mission that all people become happier and healthier while serving their communities. Let's do that this Spring! Who's with me? At EmbodyGR, we have the perfect kick off to Spring, with the incredible Bridget Clark Whitney as our guest speaker! Bridget is the Executive Director of Kids Food Basket and she is on a mission to attack childhood hunger so that young people can learn and live well. She will share more about her organization and ways we can become involved to help those young ones who are vulnerable and in need of our care. See you on the mat! Spring blessings, Dana ![]() Wednesday, March 21, 2018 What: EmbodyGR Welcomes Bridget Clark Whitney, Executive Director, Kids Food Basket When: March 21, 6:30-8:00pm Where: Fountain Street Church Social Hall Who: YOU & your peoples Bring: Your beautiful self. Why: Feel better DO good! Keep the events that are relevant. "Blessed be the longing that brought you here and quickens your soul with wonder." ~ John O'Donohue Dana Christian Lee EmbodyGR Founder & Executive Director ![]() Rockin' humans! There's a lot happening this week at EmbodyGR. We are wrapping up our 8 week challenge with Spectrum Healthier Communities. We will be taking our last round of surveys to gather data around the positive effects of yoga & meditation done in community and how it impacts the quality of people's daily lives. We'll revisit our initial goals, share progress, and celebrate with a musical ALL Pink yoga practice. Please ask yourself... Has Embody positively impacted your life? Has the quality of your daily living improved? If so, please show up tomorrow, Wednesday March 14, and help give back. WE needYOU to take the survey. Your completed survey will help gather important data so we can expand the reach of Embody to other humans in need of our feel better do good movement. It's simple... 15 questions where you only circle a number. Takes less than 2 minutes to help positively impact the life of another. Please pass on the goodness. Let's Rock It! Yours in goal crushing, Dana
Upcoming EventsLet's celebrate & DO GOOD!
Ongoing event! UPDATED NEEDS: We are collecting donated goods for Dégagé! The list will change as the season does, so check in often to see what the new needs are. Please bring the following to a Wednesday gathering if you are able *please note, all items must be new*: Current needs - Body wash (can be large bottles), rain ponchos, and belts! January 17 - March 14 FINAL SURVEY MARCH 14th!!! SUPER IMPORTANT! PLEASE, BE THERE :D EmbodyGR & Spectrum Healthier Communities 8 Week Challenge When: January 17-March 14. What: 3 surveys given: Jan 17, Feb 14 & March 14 March 21 Special guest Bridget Clark Whitney, Executive Director of Kids Food Basket joins our EmbodyGR weekly gathering- 6:30-8:00pm March 28 Mindful March Donation class for Love Your Brain When: 6:30-8:00pm FSC w/ $10 suggested donation All proceeds go directly to LYB. Save The Date! EmbodyGR Fundraiser, Thursday, April 26 from 7:30-10:30pm at Watermark Country Club Tribe of love, It's time to celebrate International Women's Day 2018! Join us for yoga this Wednesday, March 7, at our weekly gathering to celebrate the feminine within all of us. EmbodyGR's Here To Be partner, lululemon Grand Rapids, will be joining us for an evening of inspiration & delight. Let's come together to acknowledge 100% worth of all women AND the feminine that exists in every humans. What is this 'feminine energy' you may be thinking? Is it a "women only" thing. Oh heck NO! Do not be mistaken that feminine energy is strictly for women or that is more gentle/ subservient to masculine energy. Each human has both feminine & masculine energies within- often one may be more prevalent than the other, though both always exist. It's a dance of the Yin & the Yang; Shiva & Shakti, The power of the divine feminine is filled with compassion and gentleness woven together with bad ass-ness and limitless creative potential. As we honor and connect to the feminine, we are engaged in a reverential act of worship not only to self but to the Divine Mother- the essence of all creation. The sacred connection to Mother Earth and her very energies of giving birth to life, creativity, dreams, passions and existence itself, holds a power that keeps us grounded in an field of existence that continually creates life anew. Together let us build a puja, a sacred alter, this week. Bring in an object, photo or any other symbol that represents a woman who has inspired your life, that helps you stay connected to mother earth, fosters your creative energy, that honors women's 100% worth. Remember. Always. We rock, raise and nurture, we teach, lead and conquer. We are part creator, leader, lover, artist, inventor, and warrior. We feel, we heal, we experience deeply." Rock your feminine! Dana
"I am a woman; I bend I don't break." -Chozenwoman Upcoming EventsMarch 11
What: Girls Rock GR- CD Release Party & Bowling Fundraiser When: Sunday, March 11 at 2 PM - 5 PM Where: The Clique Bowling Center- 533 Stocking Ave NW, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49504 Deets: $5.00 covers shoes & bowling March 21 Special guest Bridget Clark Whitney, Executive Director of Kids Food Basket joins our EmbodyGR weekly gathering- 6:30-8:00pm March 28- Mindful March Donation class for Love Your Brain 6:30-8:00pm FSC w/ $10 suggested donation. All proceeds go directly to LYB. Save The Date! EmbodyGR Fundraiser, Thursday, April 26 from 7:30-10:30pmat Watermark Country Club |
“The EmbodyGR community embraces and supports, says ‘yes you can’ when the noisy inner voice says, ‘no you can’t’ – Kari Wilson, Community Member Archives
September 2021