Thanks to YOU, 2018 was an incredible year for EmbodyGR! With your on-going support, we were able to make a powerful impact.
EmbodyGR held free weekly classes & monthly events offering the healing tools of yoga & mindfulness to all. We served well over 2,500 people from diverse backgrounds in Grand Rapids with our 'feel better do good' mission. EmbodyGR partnered with many local and national organizations to offer our service to others in need. Locally, we volunteered and held events in partnership with iUnderstand, Kids Food Basket, The Red Project, & The Better Body Image. All these nonprofits support diverse populations who are impacted by issues of physical and mental wellbeing. Also, we partnered with The Grand River Water Festival to raise awareness and assist in the ongoing work related to water issues in our Great Lakes State. Finally, we celebrated International Women's Day with lululemon, our 'Here To Be' social impact partner. Nationally, EmbodyGR partnered with Uprising Yoga and Love Your Brain. Uprising Yoga is a nonprofit organization that brings yoga to incarcerated youth. These youth have history of foster care and / or commercial sexual exploitation (CSEC). We were able to create care packages for these youth for Valentine's Day with positively messaged cards & letters letting them know they are not alone. Also, we added a special gift of over 100 pair of new socks for the youth to bring comfort and surprise to their challenged lives. We also partnered with Love Your Brain (LYB) a nonprofit organization that brings free yoga & mindfulness to people who suffer traumatic brain injury. Our founder & Executive Director, Dana Christian Lee, received the YWCA Tribute Award on October 30, 2018, They honored Dana's work in our community in the category of sports, wellness and fitness by highlighting the importance of our mission. The YWCA celebrated us by saying "EmbodyGR uniquely combines the healing yoga brings to the individual with the healing that service brings to the community." Watch the following video to learn more about Dana and how EmbodyGR positively impacts the lives of others and our local community.
Thanks to YOU for making the work of EmbodyGR possible. Please consider giving a year end contribution to continue bringing the 'feel better do good' mission. Your support directly makes people's lives healthier and happier while also making our community a better place for all people. Simply click the link below & make an immediate difference on the life of another and your community.
Here's to a healthy & happy 2019 for ALL! Gratefully, Dana Christian Lee Embody Founder & Executive Director
![]() Tribe! She is BACK!!! Carolyn Koebel is in the house with along with me ;) to bring in the solstice with music, song, yoga, mindfulness, breath, & community. Together we'll ignite our inner light to shine brightly this holiday season! Remember this is our last gathering of 2019 so be sure to show up for this magnificent celebration. It's free & open to all 18+. Bring your people to give them a truly meaningful gift this holiday season. AND you are invited to join us immediately following at A Very Merry Jingle Jam- an event at The BOB to support the work of Mel Trotter Ministries. Won't you come celebrate the season in a way that helps you feel better and allows you to do so much good? Promise you'll be glad you did. Peace, hope, love & joy! Dana December 19, 2018 Who: YOU and all your people for a holiday treat of presence and inspiration! What: Celebrate winter solstice! Dana leads us through yoga & CAROLYN KOEBEL brings the musical genius! Where: Social Hall - Fountain Street Church When: Wed Dec 19- 6:30-8:00pm Why: Feel Better Do Good Ask: To give yourself back in service to your community 4+ hours/month Upcoming EventsLet's celebrate & DO GOOD! Reminder NO EmbodyGR December 26 or January 2- Happy Holidays!!! EmbodyGR resumes- January 9, 2019 6:30-8:00pm Community Partner Announcement-MEL TROTTER Ways to give back:
December 19 A Very Merry Jingle Jam for Mel Trotter Ministries Wed. December 19th, 2018- HOME at The BOB - FREE & open to all ages! DJ JayVee will be spinning tunes. Plan to go out after our gathering together for a night out on the town in support of our brothers & sisters who struggle with housing. December 19
EMBODYGR WELCOMES SPECIAL GUEST CAROLYN KOEBEL!! When: Dec 19, 2018 @ our Solstice celebration! 6:30-8:00pm Where: FSC Social Hall December 31 Mel Trotter 'Code Blue' Winter Drive- ends Dec 31, 2018 "Code blue” is a term used by MTM describe the most extreme winter conditions in West Michigan, when temperatures fall significantly and stay below freezing over a period of time, putting those experiencing homelessness who are exposed to the elements at severe risk of hypothermia, frost bite or even death. Donations Needed for Winter Warm Up list: New or like new items for men, women & children. All ages and sizes. Hand warmers (new only) Winter coats Waterproof winter boots Hats (Please no handmade hats) Mittens/gloves Wool or fleece socks Long underwear SAVE THE DATE: Embody The Stars March 7, 2019 From 7:30-10:30pm at the Goei Center EmbodyGR & Lululemon Holiday Gift Wrapping Event Where: lululemon Breton Village - 1944 Breton Rd SE When: Friday, Dec 21 10am-7pm & Saturday Dec 22 10am-7pm Why: Partnering with our Here To Be Partners @ lululemon to raise awareness & funds for EmbodyGR. How: Just show up & bring yourself, that is all. And your gift wrapping skills ***Please sign up for at least one hour slot. Let's live our mantra "Feel Better DO Good" by sharing ourselves in service with our Here To Be partners at luulemon who do so much for us. It will be fun, meaningful, and filled with holiday joy. Let's fill all the time slots! If we all come together we can make this amazing!
![]() Tribe of love and compassion, This week we will wrap up our first yoga & mindfulness book study experience with Don Miguel Ruiz's Fourth Agreement: Always do your best. Also, we will be celebrating the season by decorating holiday cookies for Mel Trotter. So if you have inspiration, please bring frosting, toppings, and/or cookies. Let's spread some holiday cheer to those who struggle. So, about the fourth agreement.. How does it feel in your body when you hear, "Always do your best?" Does fear, dread or burden surface? Perhaps excitement for a challenge to personal growth lighting a fire? Each of us holds a different experience and perspective on what it means to do our best. At EmbodyGR we will hold space for all of our experiences and invite in a new way of approaching this age old adage of 'doing our best.' We will explore the possibility of our best being good enough even if we don't have the outcome we desire and also the flip side of doing nothing outwardly while we stress out on the inside thinking about doing our best. It gets complicated which usually tends to offer opportunity for new learning. Our culture teaches us that 'best' is being #1; getting to 100%+ . Yoga offers an antidote to best/perfection and all its tendencies. Yoga extends the invitation to remember that we are already enough, perfect as we are. Our efforts cannot be judged by people, powers or accolades outside ourselves. It is up to each us individually to know we gave our all. We know when we lie our heads down at night if we did our best OR not... our gut, conscience knows when we get still enough to listen. With a regular soulful check-in we can monitor our personal efforts, goals & growth measured by our internal barometer, not an external reward or affirmation. Then we know where we need to up our game, applaud our efforts, cut ourselves a break or reevaluate the plan. Cannot wait to see you on the mat to dig into the Fourth Agreement & make some cookies! All Things Merry & Bright, Dana Upcoming EventsDecember 12, 2018 Who: YOU and all your people for a holiday treat of presence and inspiration! What: Dana leads us through yoga & 4th Agreement Where: Social Hall - Fountain Street Church When: Wed Dec 12- 6:30-8:00pm Why: Feel Better Do Good Ask: To give yourself back in service to your community 4+ hours/month Community Partner Announcement-MEL TROTTER Ways to give back:
A Very Merry Jingle Jam for Mel Trotter Ministries Wed. December 19th, 2018 HOME at The BOB - FREE & open to all ages! DJ JayVee will be spinning tunes. Plan to go out after our gathering together for a night out on the town in support of our brothers & sisters who struggle with housing. Mel Trotter 'Code Blue' Winter Drive- ends Dec 31, 2018. "Code blue” is a term used by MTM describe the most extreme winter conditions in West Michigan, when temperatures fall significantly and stay below freezing over a period of time, putting those experiencing homelessness who are exposed to the elements at severe risk of hypothermia, frostbite or even death. Donations Needed for Winter Warm Up list:
Happy December Tribe! Are you still overflowing from the abundance of love and beauty we created last week at EmbodyGR? We were so fortunate to have such an incredible guest line-up to bless us with a powerful musical & meditative experience. Not only did we have the goddess of percussion with us, Carolyn Koebel, she brought along Sokhna Heathyre Mabin, Kundalini teacher, and Matú Étienne, guitar musician. AND international bhakti yogini Carrie Grossman was in the house! If you missed it...Carrie Grossman is an international, devoted singer of sacred song. Carrie has studied the art of mantra for 20 years, learning from master teachers who have supported her opening to the sphere of blissful realms. Carrie’s music has a divine sound & her soul expresses sweetness. She has produced 3 albums to date and is currently mastering her fourth album in NY. You may find her music on Apple Music, Spotify, AND is also featured on Insight Timer (a free meditation app you must get if you do not have it yet.) You can listen to Carrie HERE Our community is so fortunate to attract such sweet humans to share their gifts with us. The combination of yoga, mindfulness, music, mantra, and song is powerful. I am still experiencing the uplifted energy and positive effects of the night. Becoming educated in the importance of practicing physical, mental & spiritual work is crucial in helping us heal and making our lives healthier, more clear and vibrant. These ancient practices shared in community have such potency and power! I cannot thank Carrie, Carolyn, Sokhna, & Matu enough for sharing their gifts with us. May we continue to do our work as we walk the path for all beings to be healthy, happy, & free. May we know peace, may we share peace, may our world know peace. Be sure to show up this week, December 5 at EmbodyGR for the Third Agreement from Don Miguel Ruiz's book, The Four Agreements. We will wrestle the simple, yet profound teaching "Do not make assumptions." Finally, thanks to all those who donated to Embody for Giving Tuesday. Though our offerings are free for all people, it takes money to run an organization and expand our impact. Every dollar invested (yes, invested not spent) gets regenerated into greater health & service in local community. Donations become a fly-wheel of perpetual good! You give, people receive, people heal, people give back. It's an upward spiral of people living healthier, happier lives while meaningfully giving back in service. WIN. WIN. WIN. If you gave, thank you. If haven't yet and can offer a financial gift, it would be deeply appreciated. Donate here Here's to making the world a healthier, happier place for ALL people! Love & wellness, Dana Upcoming EventsDecember 5, 2018Who: YOU and all your people for a holiday treat of presence and inspiration! What: Dana leads: The Third Agreement Where: Social Hall - Fountain Street Church When: Wed Dec 5- 6:30-8:00pm Why: Feel Better Do Good Ask: To give yourself back in service to your community 4+ hours/month Let's celebrate & DO GOOD! Community Partner Announcement-MEL TROTTER Ways to give back:
December 19 A Very Merry Jingle Jam for Mel Trotter Ministries Wed. December 19th, 2018- HOME at The BOB - FREE & open to all ages! DJ JayVee will be spinning tunes. Plan to go out after our gathering together for a night out on the town in support of our brothers & sisters who struggle with housing. December 19 EMBODYGR WELCOMES SPECIAL GUEST CAROLYN KOEBEL!! When: Dec 19, 2018 @ our Solstice celebration! 6:30-8:00pm Where: FSC Social Hall December 31 Mel Trotter 'Code Blue' Winter Drive- ends Dec 31, 2018 "Code blue” is a term used by MTM describe the most extreme winter conditions in West Michigan, when temperatures fall significantly and stay below freezing over a period of time, putting those experiencing homelessness who are exposed to the elements at severe risk of hypothermia, frost bite or even death. Donations Needed for Winter Warm Up list: New or like new items for men, women & children. All ages and sizes. Hand warmers (new only) Winter coats Waterproof winter boots Hats (Please no handmade hats) Mittens/gloves Wool or fleece socks Long underwear SAVE THE DATE: Embody The Stars March 7, 2019 From 7:30-10:30pm at the Goei Center “Yoga is like music: the rhythm of the body, the melody of the mind, and the harmony of the soul create the symphony of life.” ~ B.K.S. Iyengar |
“The EmbodyGR community embraces and supports, says ‘yes you can’ when the noisy inner voice says, ‘no you can’t’ – Kari Wilson, Community Member Archives
September 2021