Dearest tribe, Kenya came to Grand Rapids & I don't think any of us are the same. Their visit touched so many lives through oodles of yoga, beautiful conversations, stories, interviews, songs, drums, stories, food, laughter, & tears... Whether they were with EmbodyGR at City Flats or our Wednesday night gathering, at East Grand Rapids High School on the air & in the gym, interviewing with Shelly Irwin at WGVU, or working with youth at Fountain Street Church, EmbodyGR was able to connect our guests in meaningful ways. It was an honor to not only host three incredible women and get to know them personally; it was a blessing to elevate their work in the world while financially assisting them in spreading the healing practice of yoga across the continent of Africa. Embody & Africa Yoga Project's missions align beautifully- to offer these healing tools to those who might not otherwise have access. It is not enough just to have yoga for us at the local level; it is a gift for the globe! As the Africa proverb states, "If you want to fast go alone; if you want to go far go together." Indeed, we at EmbodyGR chose together. It has taken a year to bring our friends from AYP to GR, plus the efforts of so many from Embody, our Board of Directors, & members of our greater GR community. Truly it was worth the wait, the work, the sacrifice & the time. Together is better. Strangers became friends. Kenya became reality, not just a far off place on a map. Love transcended geography, language, socio-economic status, gender, employment status, health or relation- love is the heartbeat that connects. Peace is the thread that binds. "Shine" is a mantra that brightens our spirits, reminds us of our strength and worthiness & lights our path forward. For that & so much more we offer thanks to Margaret Njeri, Victoria Carrey & Sarah Hill of Africa Yoga Project. We stand with our friends Margaret, Victoria, & Sarah who are now like family. We stand with those who dedicate their efforts to make the world a place infused with love, acceptance, health, peace, equality, opportunity and well being for all people! We stand for a world where all people have access to yoga in community for that is what has changed us in GR and continues to transform individuals, communities, cities, & countries across the globe. This week, as we prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving with family & friends, let us reflect with grateful hearts on our time with Africa Yoga Project & for all the blessings we were able to give as well as receive. Gratitude in action changes not only the receiver but also the giver. It reminds us that we are a global family bound together by not only our humanity, but also our shared divinity. To each of you I bow humbly and offer thanks. Shine~ Dana Wednesday, November 21, 2017 ***NO child care What: EmbodyGR Pre-Thanksgiving One HourCommunity Yoga Practice! When: November 21, 6:30-7:30pm Where: Social Hall Why: Feel better, do good Upcoming EventsLet's celebrate & DO GOOD! December November 1, 2017 What: World AIDS Day Memorial & Silent Auction When: Friday, December 1 at 6 - 8pm Where: Fountain Street Church Why: The Grand Rapids Red Project will be hosting a Memorial & Silent Auction on World AIDS Day on Friday, December 1st at Fountain Street Church. Doors will open at 5pm for auction registration and bidding. The Memorial Program will begin at6pm. December 3, 2017 What: International Holiday Bazaar When: Sunday, December 3, 10am - 1pm Where: Fountain Street Church Why: Finish your shopping and help change the world for the better! Proceeds will benefit women, families, and communities in developing countries. Sponsored by the FSC Social Action Committee. December 13, 2017 What: EmbodyGR & Carolyn Koebel Celebrate Winter Solstice12/13/17 When: Sunday, December 13, 6:30-8pm Where: Fountain Street Church "Be a YES!"
~ Baron Baptiste
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“The EmbodyGR community embraces and supports, says ‘yes you can’ when the noisy inner voice says, ‘no you can’t’ – Kari Wilson, Community Member Archives
September 2021