Dear ones, You may have heard something about a bunch of women gathering in DC & around the globe recently. Well, it wasn't just women and more than simply a few American ladies showed up. I was one of the over 1/2 a million strong in Washington along with my husband, many from our EmbodyGR tribe, and the greater GR area. Truly it was one of the most powerful experiences of my life. I don't typically dig large crowds and this was massive. Yet I didn't feel claustrophobic, unsafe, or worried. What I experienced was similar to when I practice yoga with deep intention- I was part of something larger than myself. Yoga in its essence means oneness, union. In DC that is what we manifested; we came together as one body, one voice. Not simply as a "party," we were a people united for the greater good. We stood, marched, & danced for over 8 hours in a sea of signs, pink hats, and chants. The power of the collective was undeniable. Let me take this moment to be clear. Each individual present had their own personal reason(s) for marching. Many important issues were represented such as immigrant rights, LGBTQ, Black Lives Matter, water, environment, education, gun control and so on. It was less about protesting one person or one political party and more about human values & justice for all people. My personal sign said, "My daughters deserve better." I have 3 daughters and feel women's right have been and continue to be under threat. I stand for a nation that supports women as equal to men and will continue to work for our rights in health care, economic security, representation and safety. What most people don't know about me is that I have Native American heritage. My maternal blood line has Sioux Chippewa flowing through our veins. By DNA I have been wired to champion water, the land, and hold our earth as sacred. Since I was a little girl I burned with that fire. So I also stand for our environment, our great Mother Earth who supports and nourishes us all. These are important times. We cannot ostrich ourselves with our heads in the sand. Our nation is asking us to speak our voice. I understand this can be exhausting, overwhelming inconvenient, messy and ultimately uncomfortable. And yet we must act. Using the wisdom of Marianne Williamson who answered the question at a gathering the night before the march: "How do I find my voice? You USE it!" This week at Embody, I will call each of us to the challenge of "living" our mantra, not simply holding it as an ideal in our hearts or a sticker on our car. We shall explore the similarity between yoga & the Women's March on DC. We shall ask who/what is important to YOU? For who/what are you willing to take a stand? Won't you please join us to discern what matters to you, take a stand, find your voice & speak into the world a truth you are willing to work toward? This is not politics, this is about human rights. We are the ones. The time is now. We need to hold each other close. See you on the mat. Yours in oneness, dana Upcoming EventsFebruary
February 1, 2017 **We have child care! Sign up on-line. Who: YOU and friends What: Yoga, meditation & service Where: Fountain Street Church Social Hall When: Wed. Feb 1, 2017- 6:30-8:00pm Why: To empower you to act! February 25- Women Stand - Service and Self Care Event - Women & Environment When: Saturday, February 25 from 10am - 12 pm Where: The Pyramid Scheme March 25- EmbodyGR & GR Drive- yoga & hoops When: March 25th @ 4-4:45pm yoga, hoops @ 7:00 Where: Delta Plex (tickets $12- if you need help it's available) *proceeds graciously donated to EmbodyGR
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“The EmbodyGR community embraces and supports, says ‘yes you can’ when the noisy inner voice says, ‘no you can’t’ – Kari Wilson, Community Member Archives
September 2021